Instructor: HEATHER HELD

Sponsor: Orange County Regional
Workshop Description: Awaken your senses to the beautiful symphony that arrives each Spring. The wonder and awe of nature are the inspiration for this course. We will explore the colors and themes of the season through beautiful florals and sweet garden visitors. Special attention will be given to color techniques while refining offhand flourishing skills. This course assumes that the student knows the basic pressure and release strokes of the pointed pen. Bring a sense of play with you as we welcome Spring with these bright and beautiful designs.
Registration Details:
Workshop fee: $80
Workshop for SfC members. To register e-mail Kathy Sanchez at and mail your check for $80 (made out to OCSfC) to Kathryn Sanchez, 17552 Leafwood Lane, Tustin, CA 92780-1958 by Thursday, March 31. The supply list will be sent to you with your confirmation
NonĀmembers, include a separate check for $42, payable to Society for Calligraphy (SfC), along with your downloaded membership form: SfC membership form Include your current name, address, phone number, and email with both checks in the envelope.
NO audio or video recording of any program, meeting, workshop or other SfC function permitted without prior consent of both guest artist and a representative of the Board of Governors. You must ask permission of the artist/ instructor to photograph any copyrighted materials, including demos.