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FRI, November 11, 6:30-8PM PST
NOTE: We aim for the first Friday of the month, but have shifted back one week, due to a conflict.
No charge for these Study Group Sessions.
Yes, we know it's Veteran's Day in the U.S. and Remembrance Day in Canada. However, the participants at the last session voted and we'll meet this day. We'll again explore more of the very fun capitals of Peter Thornton, with an aim to develop our own unique versions.
These sessions are led by members, sharing what they have learned. They do not claim to be masters. Members and guests may register for any session--there is no requirement to attend all sessions. The aim is to share knowledge with newbies and to provide a refresher for those with more experience.
The session will be led by Kristi Darwick. We plan to record this session. Kristi asks that you remind her!
1. Share our work--feel free to bring any work/practice you'd like to share that you feel will be of interest, whether related to Romans, or not
2. Quick review of a fundamental structure/technique for Romans
3. Review the day's topic
4. Start Project to reinforce the topic
5. Share what we've done for the day (always optional).
Project: Sketch thumbnail designs, echoing Peter's designs, then modifying them. You may wish to use a sketchbook dedicated to ongoing study.
- Sketchbook or other paper for sketching letter variations
- Pencil (mechanical or other sharp pencil) and eraser. If you skip color, then be sure to have a soft pencil for filling space
- You will probably want to incorporate color--using either watercolors as listed under optional, or you may prefer to use colored pencils for convenience.
- Paper that can take some water, such as drawing, watercolor, sulphate
- Pallet of watercolors (or assorted watercolor pencils)
- Container of water and pointed brush (#1, 2 or 4 would be good, or a water brush )
- Fine-line marker (waterproof preferred) .01 or .005
- Lightbox or ruler
Membership not required
Zoom invitation and handouts are sent a couple days in advance.
If you sign up later than that, please email to Kristi at sdworkshops@societyforcalligraphy.org, so she can forward them to you.