Presented by Kristi Darwick

Sponsored by your Inland Empire/Pomona Valley Chapter
IN-PERSON EVENT : SATURDAY, AUG 19, 2023 11:00am-2:00pm. Please arrive by 10:30 to make sure you are setup and ready to promptly at 11.
ABOUT THIS PROGRAM: Can you picture these circles printed in place on paper or fabric, or printed, then cut-out and glued onto a card front or into a collage? We've studied calligraphy in circles and these can be a great shape to write around. The 3" Gelli-plate is perfect for 5x7 greeting cards. This will be an enjoyable session--a chance to get messy with your fellow art and lettering enthusiasts. All levels are welcome.
We will provide the round Gelli Plates (3" diameter), as well as Printers' Ink, and a few other supplies. (Scroll down for the supply list.)
Attendees will take home a mini-Gelli-plate. (We cannot mail them to those who don't attend in-person.)
We have donated items that we'll be giving away. We'll raffle off some.
Members-Only. Attendance will be limited.
REGISTRATION Will CLOSE BY AUG 15 so that supply packets can be compiled for each participant.
To pay via check, please contact Alessandra at
Non-refundable unless your place can be filled from the waitlist.
We will supply:
- 3” round Gelli Plates (feel free to also bring your own Gelli-Plates of different shapes and sizes. Small sizes are especially nice for gaining quick results.)
- Deli paper, rice paper, copier paper
- Printers' inks
- Assorted acrylic paints and inks (You may wish to bring any of your favorite colors)
- Stencils, texture plates, and other materials for masking.
Participants will bring:
- A table cover--a plastic dollar-store rectangular tablecloth or shower curtain will work fine
- Brayer (if you don't have one, we will have a couple to share.)
- Paper: Your favorites with which to experiment. Scraps are great! You may wish to try printing on black. Fabric is great to try!
- Any favorite colors of acrylic paints or inks.
- Favorite stencils, plant materials, feathers, rubber stamps, and other materials (yarn or anything else you can think of—be creative!) to serve as masks; mark-making tools for experimentation.
- If you have a soft, synthetic brush that you use for acrylics, you may wish to bring that. We'll be playing and this could come in handy for making leaf shapes! Kristi will have a couple to share, also.
- Paper plate to use as pallet (we'll have a few to share for those who forget)
- Paper towels, wet wipes, rag, etc, for cleaning your brayer (we'll have a few to share)
- Your own lunch and optional snacks to share (coffee and tea will be provided)
Show and Share: This is our first chance in awhile, to socialize--please bring anything you have been working on that you’d like to share with those present.
Give-aways: This is a good place to pass on artist supplies you no longer need, but that may be treasures to another member. Kristi will be bringing donated items to pass on.
Questions? Contact Alessandra Kawakubo at
Questions? Email Alessandra at
Enrollment is limited to current paid Society for Calligraphy members only. Your membership must be current at time of sign-up as well as when class is held. If your membership lapses, you become ineligible and your space will be filled from the waiting list. For prompt receipt of supply list and confirmation, your payment should arrive no later than two weeks before the workshop. Supply list will be provided within the week following receipt of your registration.
To pay by check, contact Alessandra for instructions. Write the workshop name in the memo space. Include your name and email with the check (s) in the envelope. Non-members, include a separate check for $42, made out to Society for Calligraphy, along with your membership form:
NO audio or video recording of any program, meeting, workshop or other SfC function permitted consent of both guest artist and a representative of the Board of Governors. *** Be sure to ask permission of the artist/instructor to photograph/screen print any copyrighted materials, including demos.