Presenter: Barbara Close

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Inland Empire SfC
Sunday, August 20, 2023, 2-5 pm (PDT)
Free Outreach Program. SfC membership not required.
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: This will be an adventure in painting small creative pages. Barbara will give step-by-step instructions for each exciting page. The book pages will be constructed from three 6”x 9” pieces of watercolor paper either 90# or 140#, folded in half to give us 6" x 4.5" pages. We will be using a Pamphlet Stitch to hold it together. The time flies by so quickly, but Barbara has prepared each page instruction, so you can catch up at your own pace.
All levels. Program will be recorded and available for one month.
Supply List for Tiny Treasures
-watercolor tubes or Prang sets -walnut ink
-Sumi ink
-watercolor paper: three pages (can be 90# or 140#. Cut to 6” x 9”).
Fold in half to create 4.5” x 6” book pages. Pay attention to the grain.
Trim center page 1/8” & next set 1/16” so they will not extend beyond the cover. Number pages in upper corners lightly with pencil. We will be using a Pamphlet Stitch with 3 holes.
-small-ish broad-edge pen sizes you like
-pointed nibs (if you like using these too)
-brushes- one for mixing; one #4 or #6 for painting -pointed brush markers (just a few)
-Pigma Micron (or equivalent waterproof) - #03 or #05
Other things:
-pencil, eraser, ruler
-sponge (cut to small size)
-blue painter’s tape
-small containers for water & paints -tiny container of rubbing alcohol -pipette(s)
-paper towels
-x-acto knife & cutting mat
-Glue Stick
-needle & embroidery thread
X-tra Other Things:
-small sheet of “fun foam” (ideally with adhesive backing) or you can use
a glue stick to adhere to a corregated board to create a stamp. -cut-credit card or Balsa wood (for scraping)
-Gold Powder (for embellishing)
Questions? Contact Alessandra at
Zoom invitation and handouts will be sent a couple days in advance.
It's not guaranteed that you'll receive the invitation beforehand, if you sign up the day of, but you will receive the link to the recording. . .
NO audio or video recording of any program, meeting, workshop or other SfC function permitted consent of both guest artist and a representative of the Board of Governors. *** You must ask permission of the artist/instructor to photograph any copyrighted materials, including demos.