Sponsored by the San Diego and Inland Empire chapters

Saturday-Sunday, February 24-25, 2024 9:30-4:30 PDT. This workshop will be held in the beautiful studio of members Eric and Claudia Strenger in Old Town ( https://www.strengerstudio.com/).
For those who are able, the in-person experience is very special. We will coordinate an optional group dinner after class on the first evening. Online is offered for those unable to travel to one of SfC's in-person sessions.
MEMBERS-ONLY $100 - scroll down for information.
This class is the result of a series of studies and practices inspired mostly by the work of late German calligraphers Hans Schreiber and Hanns Thaddaus Hoyer, whose work was introduced to me by Carl Rohrs.
We build up these double stroke letters one stroke at a time, rather than limiting ourselves to the effects of a scroll pen. Our goal is to have more control over every little detail of each letter, like where and how to start and end each stroke and the amount of space between strokes in certain parts of the letter.
The class starts with an introduction to classic Fraktur calligraphy. My personal version of this gothic hand is inspired by the work of Hermann Zapf and Claude Mediavilla but it is also influenced by the teachings of contemporary master John Stevens.
Once the students are confident with their Fraktur practice, we will explore techniques to build the double stroke letters. We will work on letters and words, and will progress to create Headers, tittles, logos or Lock ups.
I will do a series of demonstrations showing how I work with different tools, such as pens and brushes.
Students will be encouraged to create one or more final pieces applying their choice of techniques learnt during the workshop so we can make a group review of everyone’s work and debate about each student's choices and the challenges presented by them.
Intermediate Level
ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Víctor Fernández better known as “Mr.Kams” or “Viktor Kams” is a calligrapher, graphic designer and tattoo artist born and based in Madrid, Spain. He had an early love for written and drawn letters through the art of graffiti which was prominent in his town in the early 90’s. He started writing and painting them himself. He studied graphic design at Sussex Downs College in the UK and had his first contact with calligraphy through the work of Irish calligrapher, Denis Brown. As a freelance calligraphy, lettering, and tattoo artist for nearly 15 years, he has had the opportunity to show his work in numerous events and galleries as well as teaching workshops in Spain and internationally for more than a decade. Kams has been a member of the international collective “Calligraphy Masters” since 2014.
We are happy to help arrange carpools and lodging, for those who may wish to travel to attend in person--contact Kristi.
You must be a member both when you register and when the class is held.
Include your current name, address, phone number, and email with the check (s) in the envelope. Non-members, include a separate check for $42, made out to Society for Calligraphy, along with your membership form: https://societyforcalligraphy.org/resources/Site/Membership/Membership.pdf or contact Kristi to process membership electronically.
Enrollment is limited to current paid/honorary Society for Calligraphy members only. Your membership must be current at time of sign-up as well as when class is held. If your membership lapses, you become ineligible and your space will be filled from the waiting list. For prompt receipt of supply list and confirmation, your payment should arrive no later than two weeks before the workshop. Supply list will be provided a month in advance.
Questions? Contact Kristi Darwick at SDWorkshopsTeam@societyforcalligraphy.org