SfC MEMBERS ONLY - No charge for these Study Group Sessions.

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Above is Kristi's Word Painting made under the direction of Sherri Thornton - this is part of the Inland Empire/Pomona Valley chapter's virtual exhibit found at: https://societyforcalligraphy.org/Regionals
Friday, May 19, 2023, 6:30-8:00PM PST
We want to encourage and motivate our members to create finished pieces. And being involved with these study group sessions should help us all improve our skills. We'll learn about design principles and how we might apply them.
And, watch for workshops that can supplement what we learn in these sessions! Your input is welcome, regarding design topics you'd like to study.
Study Group sessions are usually led by members, sharing what they have learned--we're all learning together! From time-to-time, we will have guest presenters.
During this session, we will cover the design principle, Contrast, led by Kristi Darwick. We plan to record this session. Kristi asks that you remind her!
General Agenda
1. Share our work.
3. Review the day's topic: Focus on specific principles/elements of design
4. Another chance to share and invite critique (always optional).
We strongly encourage participants to join our private Facebook group, Let's Make Finished Pieces!, so that you can interact with other Study Group participants and you may request critiques from other members. If you need help with joining, please contact Kristi at sdworkshops@societyforcalligraphy.org
Month's Project: We'll continue with our projects, at our own pace.
- Paper or journal--we'll be creating a collage
- Paper or journal for taking notes.
- Images/ephemera for collage - scraps of colored solid or patterned paper are fine
- Scissors, glue stick
- You may want to add letters with pencil or pen--due to time constraints, you may need to finish that later.
Pre-session Prep: clip multiple images from magazines or similar. Or, these could be clipped shapes from paper, or two-dimensional (flat) objects such as postage stamps, stickers, labels, etc. You will need small, medium, and large sized images--the size difference should be obvious. It is good for these also to have varying values (light, medium, dark) and consider differences, such as rounded, angular, and so forth. Kristi has been successful with one-color collages--she created a series of postcards based on that concept. That's simply one idea--don't worry, just gather! Have a stack of images, to be sure you can assemble a pleasing collage. Those who are digitally adept, may wish to work on an iPad, or other device, separate from the device on which they are Zooming (with audio off!). Still, be sure to prepare in advance!
Paid/honorary SfC Membership is required for these sessions.
Zoom invitation will be sent a couple days in advance.
It's not guaranteed that you'll receive the invitation beforehand, if you sign up the day of, but you will receive the link to the recording. . .