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Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Comoros, Madagascar, Bolivia, Angola, French Polynesia, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Samoa and YOU will be celebrating Christmas in summer.
ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: Experience a 1-day ONLINE class painting the most definitive holiday message in just one glorious word; Noel*.
Step-by-step we’ll paint together. Paint to match the exemplar or take advantage of the decorative design alternatives offered throughout the class. Painting Demonstrations throughout the class.
*Some folks may have a special person who's name begins with N. Or they want to create NOEL, but substitute their own calligraphy for the o e l . Each participant will receive two patterns--the larger individual N and the Noel.
All levels with experience working with gouache on paper welcome.
Workshop will be recorded and available for two months.
Ideally, participants will register at least two weeks in advance, so they have time to obtain any supplies they don't already have
Zoom invitation will be sent a couple days in advance.
Cost: $35, paid by check or Paypal (see details below)
REGISTRATION: You must be a member both when you register and when the class is held. Pay by check or PayPal. No refunds.

You must be a member of SfC when you register and when this program is held. Enrollment is limited to current paid Society for Calligraphy members only. No reservation will be held until your dues are current. Please click HERE to join via check, or contact Kristi at sdworkshops@societyforcalligraphy.org to inquire about becoming a member of SfC.
Questions? Contact Kristi Darwick at sdworkshops@societyforcalligraphy.org.
Enrollment is limited to current paid Society for Calligraphy members only. Your membership must be current at time of sign-up as well as when class is held. No reservation will be held until your dues are current. If your membership lapses, you become ineligible and your space will be filled from the waiting list. No refunds. For prompt receipt of supply list and confirmation, your check should arrive no later than two weeks before the workshop. You are not registered until confirmed by the workshop coordinator.
NO audio or video recording of any program, meeting, workshop or other SfC function permitted consent of both guest artist and a representative of the Board of Governors. *** You must ask permission of the artist/instructor to photograph any copyrighted materials, including demos.