Presenter: Sharyn Sowell

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San Diego chapter
Outreach event: Free and membership is not required
Saturday, September 16, 10am-1pm PDT
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: This relaxed workshop will examine the delight found in medieval and renaissance illumination and illustration, then use that inspiration as a launching pad to modern variations as we paint and letter decorative envelopes and note cards. Sharyn will share simple techniques using fine tip pens and watercolor or gouache to breathe fresh life to the ancient imagery, using envelopes and notes as small canvases. Each participant can make their work as simple or as elaborate as they’d like, using the concepts to achieve many different looks.
The techniques you’ll play with in this workshop translate well for other calligraphic projects- tags, books, broadsides and other projects and can be scaled up and paired with various calligraphic hands, both very old and completely modern.
EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Beginners through advanced. Each person will work at their own level and bring their own style to the projects. The techniques can be as simple or as elaborate as you’d like to make them.
This program will be recorded and available for two months.
Link to program recording:
2023-09-16_Modern-Medieval supply list.pdf
2023-09-16_Visual Reference.pdf
2023-09-16_reference source list.pdf
Here are links to the images of Shary'n's in-class demos:
091623_Modern-Medieval_Demos 1.jpg
091623_Modern-Medieval_Demos 2.jpg
ABOUT SHARYN SOWELL: My career as a licensed artist has led me down fascinating paths, as I’ve partnered with wonderful manufacturers who have placed my art on everything from fabric to tableware, stationery and crafting products, gift bags and so many other products I can’t even remember them all. Earlier, I was a jewelry designer and I travel widely as artist in residence teaching art and cutting silhouette portraits on cruise ships.
I’m not fussy; I letter on broken eggshells and oyster shells. I’ve been known to paint with wild currant juice and stamp a background using a tree stump. I’ll never forget sketching ancient stone buildings in Turkey and painting icebergs in Antarctica with passengers. I’ve cut silhouettes of the waiters in a fancy French cafe from paper placemats. But the farms and gardens of home are my ultimate inspiration.
Details of history, nature and culture find their way into my work, whether the medium is cut paper, calligraphy or painting. I keep a piece of paper and a pencil or scissors in my pocket for the next time inspiration strikes.
I can be found at and on Instagram at @SharynSowell
Zoom invitation and handouts will be sent a couple days in advance.
It's not guaranteed that you'll receive the invitation beforehand, if you sign up the day of, but you will receive the link to the recording. . .
NO audio or video recording of any program, meeting, workshop or other SfC function permitted consent of both guest artist and a representative of the Board of Governors. *** You must ask permission of the artist/instructor to photograph any copyrighted materials, including demos.