
The SfC offers free programs to the public throughout the year as part of our mission to support and share calligraphy in Southern California. 

Upcoming events

    • March 01, 2025
    • March 31, 2025
    • Recording

    Sponsored by the San Fernando Valley Regional Group

    This event is free and open to the public.

    All of us, as calligraphers, have an overwhelming desire to have every tool we hear about.  In this recorded workshop I will discuss and demonstrate the tools I have found to be worthwhile.

    Please download the PDF for the full list of tools I use and will discuss and demonstrate.  You don’t need to have any of them, but if you do have them, you might want to play with them during the demo.

    Carrie Imai

    TOOLS GALORE handout.pdf

    Carrie's video will be available for viewing for the entire month of March on YouTube. You can watch as little or as much as you want and click in and view with unlimited access for the month. You must register in order to receive the video link which will be sent at the end of February. This video is available to the public and no cost due to the generosity of Carrie Imai.

    For calligraphy lessons or commission work please contact Carrie Imai at:

    If this video sparks your interest in calligraphy please consider joining the Society for Calligraphy and gain access to a world of fabulous workshops and our annual conference 'Letters California Style'.

    • April 04, 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Zoom - online

    Guest presenter: Barbara Close.

    Sponsored by 

    FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2025,  6:30-8PM PDT 

    No charge for these Study Group Sessions. They are led by members, sharing what they have learned. They do not claim to be masters. Members and guests may register for any individual session--there is no requirement to attend prior sessions. The aim is to share knowledge with newbies and to provide a refresher for those with more experience. For this session, Barbara Close will reprise an exercise her class worked on at our Letters California Style conference--a Japanese Enso, which in our case will be combined with Roman letters  Each individual session requires separate registration.

    This time, we'll deviate slightly from our regular Roman forms:

    The enso at first glance may appear to be nothing more than a circle. Yet when being in a meditative state of mind, it is filled with "ki" (spirit, mind, energy & feeling) and becomes a circle of infinity. We will be practicing our ensos and adding words to complete the picture. There are many wonderful varieties, none will be the same. I will demo Neugebauer's Monoline Uncial to use for our lettering style. Join us in the fun.

     We plan to record this session. Kristi asks that you remind her! Recording will be available for three months.

    Flexible Schedule for the evening:

    6:30 - 6:45 Announcements. Participants are invited to share any work they've done since last session, including their progress on our current projects.

    6:45 - 7:45 Barbara close will walk us through combining a Japanese Enso with Roman letters

    7:45 - 8:00 An opportunity for those who wish to share what they've completed during this session (and another chance to share work done since our last session). Also, a time to ask more questions of our guest speaker.


    • Watercolor paper 9"x12" or larger -your choice of brand
    • Sumi ink or Higgins
    • Container with wide mouth i.e. yogart container & one for water
    • Gouache for lettering or use the Sumi. Your choice of pen. Can also use blunt-tip marker.
    • Brush: Sumi/Bamboo 1/4" or larger; or large round, i.e. #10 or #12; or filbert
    • Paper towels                                                                                                                                               

    Membership not required

    Handouts and Zoom invitation will be sent a  day or two in advance. 

    You're welcome to sign up even at  the last minute, but you may have to wait and participate via the recording . . .

      • April 26, 2025
      • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
      • San Dimas Public Library
      • 3



      Sponsored by the Inland Empire
      Saturday, April 26 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

      Complimentary Outreach Event - Open to Members and Visitors

      About this event:

      Copperplate is a popular lettering style. In this introductory session, we’ll write in that style, using a brush marker. Our letters will be a little less formal than traditional copperplate.  This three hour session will be a quick introduction to copperplate and the brush pen, or a refresher for those who already know the hand and this tool. 

      Presenter: Kristi Darwick

      Supplies included

      Coffee & Tea will be provided and we'll take a short break. Feel free to bring a snack to share.

      Questions? Contact: Adela at

      Space for 15 participants only.

      NO audio or video recording of any program, meeting, workshop or other SfC function permitted consent of both guest artist and a representative of the Board of Governors. *** You must ask permission of the artist/instructor to photograph any copyrighted materials, including demos. 

      • July 19, 2025
      • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
      • In-Person at Angelo M. Iacaboni Library in Lakewood
      PRESENTER: Louis Lemoine (In-Person in Lakewood)

      SPONSOR: South Los Angeles Chapter (Solar Nibs)


      Note the date change to July 19. 

      Join us for our annual gathering with our guest, Louis Lemoine. We will be meeting in Lakewood on Saturday, July 19. This is a free event to members and non-members but you must register

      We will have light refreshments. Please bring your own individual drink. 


      Take a look at Louis's website or Instagram page for a glimpse of his work.


      1) This is a free event but your must register. Register by clicking the "REGISTER" button at the top left of this pageIt is open to the public; both members and non-members are welcome. Space is limited. 

      If you have any questions, email

      NO audio or video recording of any program, meeting, workshop or other SfC function permitted without prior consent of both guest artist and a representative of the Board of Governors. You must ask permission of the artist/ instructor to photograph any copyrighted materials, including demos. 

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